Important: First print out your Month 3 calendar.
Once printed, then you can access your daily workout videos by clicking the big orange buttons below.
Every class for the next 4 weeks can be done in 30-40 minutes or less. Because this is the last phase of the program, you MUST add in dumbbells in order to progress!
Your body will adapt quickly to each workout, so it’s important to make sure you’re consistently challenging yourself each week. You can make sure you’re using the appropriate weights by ensuring that the LAST 2 REPS are difficult to complete, but you’re still able to maintain perfect form.
For the next 4 weeks, our focus is to specifically lower your body fat as much as possible.
Every week will focus on progressively lower reps + progressively higher resistance, and we’ll still be using sustained Compound Functional Movements throughout. You can download each video and save it to your devices, or watch it straight from these pages!
Each class also has a warmup sequence and a cool down incorporated into it, but feel free to add in the Ab Crush or Stretch classes any day for an added challenge.
Now let’s get sweaty!
Your trainer,